
Bookstore React App</h1> </div> # 📗 Table of Contents - [📗 Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents) - [Book store 📖 ](#book-store--) - [🛠 Built With ](#-built-with-) - [Tech Stack ](#tech-stack-) - [Key Features ](#key-features-) - [🚀 Live Demo ](#-live-demo-) - [💻 Getting Started ](#-getting-started-) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Setup:](#setup) - [Install:](#install) - [Install this project with:](#install-this-project-with) - [Usage](#usage) - [To run the project, execute the following command:](#to-run-the-project-execute-the-following-command) - [Run tests:](#run-tests) - [To run tests, run the following command:](#to-run-tests-run-the-following-command) - [Deployment](#deployment) - [👥 Authors ](#-authors-) - [🤝 Contributing ](#-contributing-) - [⭐️ Show your support ](#️-show-your-support-) - [🔭 Future Features ](#-future-features-) - [📝 License:](#-license) # Book store 📖 React Bookstore is a react books app ## 🛠 Built With ### Tech Stack
### Key Features
Some Key feature of this project
  • User can read book
  • User can make CRUD operatopn with the book list
## 🚀 Live Demo - [Book Store](

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## 💻 Getting Started To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites In order to run this project you need: - [x] A web browser like Google Chrome. - [x] A code editor like Visual Studio Code with Git and Node.js. You can check if Git is installed by running the following command in the terminal. ``` $ git --version ``` Likewise for Node.js and npm for package installation. ``` $ node --version && npm --version ``` # Setup: - Clone this repository to your desired folder. # Install: ### Install this project with: - Git. - Github. # Usage ### To run the project, execute the following command: ```sh git clone ``` ```sh cd math-magician ``` ```sh npm install ``` ```sh npm start ``` **You may also see any lint errors in the console.** # Run tests: ```sh npm install react-test-renderer --save-dev ``` ```sh npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react ``` ```sh npm run test ``` ### To run tests, run the following command: ```sh npx eslint . ``` ```sh npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss} ``` ### Deployment You can deploy this project using: ``` $ npm run deploy ```

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## 👥 Authors 👤 **Salwa Ballouti** - GitHub: [@Salwa99]( - Twitter: [@SalwaBallouti]( - LinkedIn: [Salwa Ballouti](

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## 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/).

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## ⭐️ Show your support Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

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## 🔭 Future Features - [ ] Connect to an API. - [ ] Styling the App.

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# 📝 License: This project is [MIT](/Bookstore/LICENSE) licensed.

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